Saturday, August 29, 2015

25th Annual Leader's Gathering - Traveling to Racine, WI

Dear Friends,

Whew what a fun and full month August has been!  In addition to regular classes and programs your Atlanta InterPlay leaders have been traveling together and playing!

AI Leaders Playing in the wind by Lake Michiga

We had the opportunity to go to Racine, WI for an annual leader's gathering - this year InterPlay is celebrating 25 years! The trip out was an adventure as our plane was 2 hours late so we missed our ride, caught a later bus and whew...we made it!

Looking through the DeKoven Walkway to Lake Michigan
(photo by Christine Gautreaux)

The setting was gorgeous.  We stayed at The DeKoven Center on Lake Michigan.  The beauty that surrounded us was divine. Their gardens are maintained by volunteer master gardeners who are true artists.  It was a joy to walk around and see what had been co-created!

Our days started with morning meditation with our InterPlay Atlanta friend and leader, Kaira Jewel.  

(photo by Christine Gautreaux)

 Mother Earth was magnificent as the sun rose over the Lake with diamonds sparkling on the water and Dragon Flies dancing in and around us!

Just a tiny slice of the remarkable gardens
(photo by Christine Gautreaux)
We enjoyed 3 1/2 full days of  InterPlay!  We played with old forms, new forms, social justice issues, Waking up White, diversity, The InterPlay Way,  The Life Practice Program, IP and spirituality, Performance and so much more!  Jennifer led her famous chair "dance" that had previously only been seen in ATL!

We had the chance to meet friends and InterPlay leaders from around the country that we had previously only met online through different classes and programs we participate in like the InterPlay Entrepreneurs group.  We also saw long-time friends and InterPlayers some of who y'all have met in the last couple of years here in ATL including Cynthia & Phil (the co-founders), Sheila and so many more!

InterPlay Entrepreneurs together in person!

Ruth & I also had the chance to participate and be celebrated in the National celebration of new leaders - squeeeee! 

To say that it was a rich and full experience feels like an understatement!  Learning new ideas, practicing old to bring them back to our community to share.  We are looking forward to our 1st Atlanta Untensive October 16th - 18th where I'm sure a few of the things we played with will be present!

 The beautiful view on the way home!
(photo by Christine Gautreaux)

In peace and play,


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